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Andrew M. Marshall

Associate Professor of Computer Science
University of Mary Washington

Research Interests

  • Broad Interests: Computational Logic, Algebra in Computation, Automated Reasoning, Security.
  • Theoretical: Unification Theory, Combination Methods in Automated Reasoning, Term-Rewriting, Algebraic Complexity.
  • Applied: Formal Verification of Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms, Software Verification, Automated Reasoning in Security.


I was a postdoctoral fellow in the Formal Methods Section, CHACS of the U.S. Naval Research Lab. Catherine Meadows was my advisor. Prior to that I did my Ph.D. at the University at Albany-SUNY under Paliath Narendran.

Papers, Publications, and Other Research (ORCID, DBLP)


Unification in Symbolic Methods for the Verification of Automatically Synthesized Cryptosystems


The objective of this project is to develop new symbolic analysis techniques that can be applied to the automated synthesis of cryptographic algorithms. Instead of focusing on specific problems and particular methods for those problems, we will focus on classes of problems and the symbolic methods themselves. We will be particularly interested in general techniques that can be applied to wide classes of problems, and thus will be of maximal usefulness.

Project Collaborating Institutions

Code Repo:

You can find the current public release of the tool code here: CryptoSolvers


  • Spring 2023:
    • CPSC 326 - Theoretical Foundations of Computing
    • CPSC 445 - Software Security 
  • Some Classes from previous semesters:
    • CPSC 110 - Introduction to Computer Science
    • CPSC 326 - Theoretical Foundations of Computing
    • CPSC 340 - Data Structures and Algorithms
    • CPSC 405 - Operating Systems and Programming
    • CPSC 414 - Network Principles and Applications
    • CPSC 220 – Comp Programming and Problem Solving
    • CPSC 345 – Intro to Computer Security
    • CPSC 435 - Advanced Cybersecurity
    • CPSC 445 - Software Security 

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